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If You Want to Use Books to Build Your Brand + Then Make a Good Living Selling Services like Consulting and Courses

Secrets to Acquiring Customers and Building a Brand via Books

The absolute most important thing when using books to build your brand and your business is to remember to focus exclusively on these two Dual Aims

First: You want the primary focus to be on acquiring customers that Buy Your Main Product (whether consulting or a course or some other product). Do not get sidetracked by other targets
Second: You want the secondary focus to be on acquiring As Many of these Customers of Good Intent as you can

Always focus on your main goal i.e. acquiring Customers of Good Intent for your main business via your books

Here are some important secrets

1) Do not try to game the system. You want to reach the precise right set of customers. Which means that instead of trying to game the system (which will get you the wrong customers), you target your perfect customers (and no one else)

2) Develop as much clarity as possible about - Who Your Customer Is
AND - What category/genre are they present in i.e. what category/genre should your book be in

3) It's all about TRUST. Be forthright and honest about who you are, and what the aim of the book is. Do not oversell yourself. Do not undersell yourself

4) Provide multiple clear paths, both inside the book, and on your book page, for Customers of Good Intent to go ahead and purchase your products

5) Writing multiple books that provide value, and build a stronger relationship between you and your Ideal Customers, is one of the best things you can do. The relationship will be much stronger if these prospective customers are getting value from you in multiple ways

6) At all times, remember the focus is on acquiring Customers of Good Intent. Customers and Clients who will go on to BUY your products and services
Firstly, this means writing the book for these customers
Secondly, this means targeting these precise customers
Thirdly, this means avoiding making everything free or everything cheap. One free book is great. 3 free books is overkill

7) Make sure your book/books, and your website are very polished. Regardless of whether it is a free book or a $0.99 book or a $5 book, you want it to be very polished. This will set the right tone for when you want to sell these future clients products and services that will be considerably more expensive

8) Have clear targets and clear timelines in mind
Bad Goal: I want to sell a lot of books and have a few of those readers become clients who buy my consulting services
Great Goal: I am selling and/or giving away 10,000 books within the first year to Customers of Good intent. I am getting 10% conversion ratio, and 1,000 of these are becoming actual Clients and buying my products within the first year and a half of me launching the book. I am adding $100,000 a year in recurring revenue from these 1,000 new clients

9) Have a Clear Budget, based on what you can Afford
Have a Budget for how much you will spend on creating the book and polishing it
Have a Budget for how much you will spend on marketing the book
Make the book pay for itself. DO NOT use revenues and profits from other channels to subsidise the book creation or marketing. This is absolutely critical because the book needs to be a self-sustaining Customer Acquisition Channel i.e.
Customers/Clients you acquire via the book, should be paying for all costs related to the Book. As soon as possible

10) Always stay focused on what the aim is

The aim is not - to become a great writer, to win approval of some one/something, to maximize downloads, to maximize sales, to turn book sales into a revenue stream

The Aim is - To Acquire Customer of Good Intent who purchase your products and services after reading your book
The Aim is - To Acquire As Many Customers of Good Intent as Possible
The Aim is - To Maximize the Earnings you get from selling Products and Services to these Customers of Good Intent

11) Free Yourself of Your Ego

Avoid Ego Driven Action such as - reacting to bad reviews, getting a big head because you hit a bestseller 'label' which is a temporary thing, thinking you are a great writer, thinking you've become a subject expert just because you wrote a book (even if it is true)

Be Completely Results Driven -
How many Customers of Good Intent did you reach?
How many of these Customers visited your website and/or checked out your products and services?
How many of these Customers bought a product or service?
How many became recurring customers and are now regularly purchasing products and services?
How much money are these customers generating for you? How much of that is profit?
Are there multiple sets of customers that your book is bringing you? How much is each set of customers making you in revenue and profits?

12) Most Important of All - Measure and Review Everything
Drucker - What Gets Measured Gets Managed
Measure each of the metrics
Review each of the metrics
Make adjustments and changes to improve the metrics

Writing a book to acquire customers is a very powerful and very accessible method. It's why every politician writes a book before they start running for President. A Book is a uniquely powerful and compelling way to create a bond

If you take your time to identify your Perfect Set of Customers, and write a book that is a great Value Add for them, and target Customers of Good Intent, you can acquire a lot of great customers. Do not lose focus on 'Customers of Good Intent' and don't try to game the system or 'cheat' your way to acquiring Customers of Good Intent

Reach 5 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly (our sister company) can get your book in front of millions of readers

You can promote your book to 1.8 Million Twitter Readers, 2.8 Million App Readers, and 310,000 Email Subscribers with Books Butterfly

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